Empowering facilitation in (urban) dialogs
Groups, teams, organizations and firms. They all have one thing in common: there is a multitude of group members and it can always work better. We listen, help manage processes, point to the human dynamics involved and work together with our partners.
Paving the way for (urban) change
Mindspace is a not-for-profit organization focused on making the city more liveable. For the past 10 years, we have been actively organizing events and mediated between people, neighbourhoods, districts and other stakeholders to reach this goal.
It is our aim to not only build bridges, but contribute actively to cooperation, be it between municipalities, institutions, city-dwellers or economic decision-makers.
Mindspace established
Danube Flow - Danube is calling
Smart City Budapest Initiative
Shared Cities - Creative Momentum / Creative Europe program
NewPilgrimage - Interreg Central Europe
Rákóczi market hall and its neighbourhood (Budapest) revitalisation project
Bródy street neighbourhood (Budapest) development project
Community planning and facilitation projects
Highlighted PROJECTS

The project is the Hungarian version of the Chilean one, which is organized by Plagio since 2000. You can apply to the contest with a story, which has maximum 100 words and it is somehow connected to Budapest. The project is as easy as nice: what does the city mean to its inhabitants? What kind of stories, memories, feelings and impressions do the have about the city, its spaces, happenings and people? Only in 100 words.
The winner stories are illustrated by professional illustrators and exhibited in public places, bus stops, parks, postcards, everywhere in the city.

Shared Cities: Creative Momentum (SCCM) is a European cultural platform addressing the contemporary urban challenges of European cities. SCCM is a joint project of Goethe-Institut (DE), Czech Centres (CZ), reSITE (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (SK), Association of Belgrade Architects (RS), Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre – KÉK (HU), Katowice City of Gardens (PL), KUNSTrePUBLIK (DE), Mindspace (HU), Old Market Hall Alliance (SK), Res Publica – Cities Magazine (PL). Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

The cities involved in the project are located along the route of St. Martin. Together, they aim to preserve and revitalize St. Martin’s cultural heritage, and the concept of solidarity and hospitality as well. Cities and cultural organizations from five different Central European countries take part in a special trainings to learn up-to-date knowledge in the field of cultural heritage.
Mindspace participated as a professional partner in the NewPilgrimAge project, performing general communication related tasks.
Do you have experiences in
(urban) facilitation?
Share with us!
More stories and projects from the first 10 years Check our previous website!